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Club History - (1)the formation of The British Rex Rabbit Society

At a meeting held at the Imperial Hotel, Birmingham, on Thursday March 15th 1928 and presided over by Captain Brumwell, a Castor Rex Society was formed. Lady Watson said she thought they were justified in the formation of a club by the number of people in the British Isles who were now interested in Castorrex. A club was needed to take up such questions as the supply of genetically pure stock, effects of crossing, need for marking, etc. The society would include a Colour rex section. Miss Carr stressed the need for a standard setting out what they were to aim for in the breeding of Castorrex.

A resolution, proposed by Mrs Balfour Graham, and seconded by Mr R Geddes, that the Castorrex Club be formed was carried unanimously. Lady Layland Barratt, who was unable to attend, proposed by proxy,That all members of the club agree to guarantee the purity of all stock sold as 'Castorrex' Crosses were to be recognised by the club, but they should not be disposed without a full description of their origin. Mr Richardson queried whether anyone was in a position to give such guarantee. Were they sure of the purity of their original stock, and could they state that the Castorrex bred true? Mrs Hunter said that she believed the French breeders or original stock were perfectly reputable men. 

Lady Watson's original stock was breeding true. The meeting was in favour of the proposal. It was agreed that the French standard be accepted for the present, but that is should come up for revision from time to time. Several names were suggested for the new club, but it was ultimately decided that it should be known as The British Rex Rabbit Society. It was agreed that a president, three vice-presidents, and a council of nine be elected, and the Countess of Harewood be asked to be president of the society. In the event of her Ladyship being unable to accept the presidency, it was suggested that Lady Watson should combine, temporarily, the duties of president, secretary and treasurer. Lady Watson agreed to be joint secretary and treasurer for the first six months.

A lengthy discussion took place on the formation of a committee. It was proposed by Mr Irving, seconded by Mr Collins, that officers be appointed at the meetings, and that only those owning Castorrex be eligible for election. The following were elected: Mr Irving, Lady Layland Barratt, Mrs Balfour Graham, Mrs Hunter, Dr McDougall, Rec. Ernest Jones, Capt. Brumwell, and Messrs. Geddes, Goodchild, B.de H.Pickard, Mitchell and Collins. It was left to the council to decide which three of its members should act as vice-presidents. 

The suggestion was accepted that a notice be sent to Fur & Feather asking all who wish to become members of the club to communicate with the secretary, Lady Watson, Pool-in-Wharfedale, Yorkshire, and also asking them to state, as a matter of interest, if they possessed Castorrex. Mr Irving proposed an annual subscription of 5s. This was seconded by Mr Hildick, and carried. It was arranged that the next meeting should be held in the Leeds district on May 12th (the night before Otley show) at 8 p.m. Since the meeting the Countess of Harewood has consented to be the first president of the British Rex Rabbit Society